Julian Klincewicz: Solo Tumult

Role: Producer, Layout/Type Designer, Print Production
Client: Julian Klincewicz
Agency: Gasbook, TANG DENG Co.
Year: 2023-2024

Solo Tumult is Klincewicz’s debut book, showcasing his latest series. While filming a commercial at Waimea Bay—one of Oahu’s premier surf spots—he witnessed the year’s largest wave and became obsessed with capturing the spectacle: the intersection of nature and man, stillness and movement, mind and body. Solo Tumult embodies these contrasts, serving as a metaphor for humanity’s search for harmony in chaos.

This book also coincided with two exhibitions in Japan; Bookmarc in Tokyo and Rise Above Gallery in Osaka.

PRESS: Brutus Magazine Japan


[Director/Producer] MCASD: Swish in Residence at the MCASD (Routes)


[Director/Designer/Instructor] New Children's Museum